Monday, October 18, 2010

First Babies! Happy Birthday Little Ones!

OK, today is MY birthday, the little ones birthday was yesterday. I heard a lot of squeaking coming from the rat rack yesterday, but I just assumed that they were gettin' it on, so I didn't look too closely, Just made sure they had food and water. lol  When Derek and I got home from work Derek noticed right away that there were a litter of baby rats in the rack!  So we took the other female out and out her into her own bin so she can have her babies.  She looks about ready to give birth, she is getting pretty big!  Anyway, here is a picture of mommy nursing the babies.

Not the greatest picture, but it will do! lol  little rat pinkies!  Momma looks proud, doesn't she? 

In other Forked Exotics News, we have a new place.  Its a 3 bedroom and den on 10 acres.  Plenty of room for all our animals.  There is a stable, shop, chicken coop, pig pen, tons of room for snowmobiling, a large carport and our own little beach type area by the river.  We are getting everyone settled in still, so pictures will be in a later blog post. 

Have a great day!


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