Friday, August 27, 2010

Snake food part 2

I got up this morning to make breakfast and pack Dereks lunch, lo and behold, the mommie mouse was caught in a trap on the counter in front of the microwave!  Poor little mouse! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Snake Food!

Derek's dad bought a can of dog food for my shepard cross, Marley.  I had forgotten to give it to her yesterday, so I decided to give it to her for breakfast.  I had to find a can opener for the can so I open the drawer I think it will likely be in.  Staring out at me is a cute little grey mouse with big black eyes!  Both of us surprised, we stare at each other for a moment, and beofer I could grab her, she took off, and six more surprises twitched in a pile of fluff...  So I ran and got our mouse bucket and tongs that we use for feeding mice to our pets, and i put all the babies in there.  they were bigger than fuzzies, but had no fur.  They looked more like rat pinkies.  Anyway, I collected the babies and disposed of them.   

Babies in the Bucket

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I went to the snake room today to clean and water the snakes.  One of them, our female pastel ball python, was sleeping, and i guess i startled her,and she bit me.  She has upturned her water, and she got me when I reached in to get the water bowl toclean and refill it.  dagnabbit! lol  Doesnt hutrt, her teeth are so small, but it did startle me.  You can't even see where she bit me anymore.  It had been a while since my last bite, I guess I was due!  In case you think that snake handlers don't get bit much, watch an episode of Snakybytes tv!  Brian waves his hands about so much whern he speaks, the snakes tag him fairly often. lol  He doesn't let it phase him, he just igmored it and keeps talking!  lol  I guess I will get there eventually. 

I think I might change the name of this blog.  Maybe I'll have a "grand opening/renaming" contest with a prize!  um....I need some readers

Mites! oh my!

We are having a "mitey" week.  The dog and cat have ear mites, and some of the snakes have snake mites.  So they are all undergoing treatment.  I hate mites.  Our one big boa, Pheonix, is very difficult to treat due to size.  The sink in the snake room is very small, he wont fit in it.  I have to put larger snakes in bins, and fill the bins with a cup to bathe the snakes.  lol  It is not easy, snakes don't actually LIKE having baths, and they will try to take off.  Thankfully I have pretty good reflexes.  Once I was bathing Saber, our 6 foot pastel boa, and he got pissed off and bit my hand.  He had had a bad shed, and I was helping remove some dead skin.  I guess I tugged a bit that was still attached, and he didn't like that.  lol

Mondays are feeding days.  But since I forgot to thaw the food on monday, we fed them yesterday.  Some of our snakes havent eaten in a while, so we need to figure out what will make them eat.  They just cuddle with the mouse or rat for a while, untill we remove it.  Most of the picky ones are smaller snakes, our big snakes have no issues.

Pythons are known to be picky eaters, boas are aggressive eaters.  We have some boas that won't eat unless they get to attack it, so we just dangle the mouse or rat by the talk with some tongs,and the snake strikes!  We have one ball python though, that eats like a boa.  We named her  "rocky ballboa."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Forked Exotics in Grand Forks.

So we bought another snake today.  Just waiting for payment to go through, and waiting for the snake to arrive.  We bought a young mojave ball python, a female.  We are excited about this perticular ball, because of genetics.  We have a few morphs already, a couple spiders, some het albinos, het clowns, het caramel, blurrey chocolate and more.  But they are all males!  We have one pastel female, but she is too small to breed this year.  We are hoping she will have a wicked growth spurt so she can breed next year.  If not, she will be ready for the year after that.

We measured Arya, one of our boas. She is big enough to breed, and we have several males.  I would LOVE to have an albino boa to breed with her.   They are so gorgeous!  Boas don't lay eggs, they have live births.  I am very excited about this, and I hope I will get to see it!  We are at the warehouse at least 2 times a day to check for mites and makre sure ewveryopne has water and clean shavings, gthere is a good chance we will see something!  We will have to make sure we have a camcorder on hand when it gets close to time.

We have a couple incubators for the ball python eggs and the gecko eggs.  We are still looking for a male beardie.  My dear sister has a coupel geckos, and he female just laid eggs.  I hope they are doing well!

I also got some mail today, a gift I bought off ebay for my dear boyfriend!  I got him Muppets from Space.  He loves that movie!  I ordered it months ago, it took a lomg time to get here because we moved and everything had to go through our address change thing and get re directed to our new address.  I am gonna go wrap it up now!

First Post!

This is my firat post, so let me introduce myself. My name is Pixie, and my boyfirned/partner in crime is Derek.  We breed mealworms, superworms, crickets, snakes and lizards.  We have a busy fall season ahead of us.  We start the preparations for breeding in just a couple weeks.  I am so excited!  We have a couple wicked morphs, and a few snakes that have some awesome hets(genes). 

Anyway, I am going to keep this short and sweet, I have some laundry to do. 

Stay Frosty!