Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mites! oh my!

We are having a "mitey" week.  The dog and cat have ear mites, and some of the snakes have snake mites.  So they are all undergoing treatment.  I hate mites.  Our one big boa, Pheonix, is very difficult to treat due to size.  The sink in the snake room is very small, he wont fit in it.  I have to put larger snakes in bins, and fill the bins with a cup to bathe the snakes.  lol  It is not easy, snakes don't actually LIKE having baths, and they will try to take off.  Thankfully I have pretty good reflexes.  Once I was bathing Saber, our 6 foot pastel boa, and he got pissed off and bit my hand.  He had had a bad shed, and I was helping remove some dead skin.  I guess I tugged a bit that was still attached, and he didn't like that.  lol

Mondays are feeding days.  But since I forgot to thaw the food on monday, we fed them yesterday.  Some of our snakes havent eaten in a while, so we need to figure out what will make them eat.  They just cuddle with the mouse or rat for a while, untill we remove it.  Most of the picky ones are smaller snakes, our big snakes have no issues.

Pythons are known to be picky eaters, boas are aggressive eaters.  We have some boas that won't eat unless they get to attack it, so we just dangle the mouse or rat by the talk with some tongs,and the snake strikes!  We have one ball python though, that eats like a boa.  We named her  "rocky ballboa."

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