Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I went to the snake room today to clean and water the snakes.  One of them, our female pastel ball python, was sleeping, and i guess i startled her,and she bit me.  She has upturned her water, and she got me when I reached in to get the water bowl toclean and refill it.  dagnabbit! lol  Doesnt hutrt, her teeth are so small, but it did startle me.  You can't even see where she bit me anymore.  It had been a while since my last bite, I guess I was due!  In case you think that snake handlers don't get bit much, watch an episode of Snakybytes tv!  Brian waves his hands about so much whern he speaks, the snakes tag him fairly often. lol  He doesn't let it phase him, he just igmored it and keeps talking!  lol  I guess I will get there eventually. 

I think I might change the name of this blog.  Maybe I'll have a "grand opening/renaming" contest with a prize!  um....I need some readers

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